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Changzhou is a prefecture-level city in the south of Jiangsu Province. It is located in the centre of Yangtze River Delta, 160 km east to Shanghai and 110 km west to Nanjing, Jiangsu Province capital. The population amounts about 5 million people. The city covers an area of more than 4.3 thousand km2.
Green spaces cover more than 40 % of the territory. The city implements projects in the field of conservation of parks and forests in order to reconstruct Changzhou into a national environmentally friendly comfortable "garden city".The geographical position of Changzhou is very advantageous in terms of transport. The city is crossed by 6 highways, including the Beijing-Shanghai highway, and several railways, including the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway and the Shanghai-Nanjing long-distance railway.
The main waterway between the South and the North – the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand canal, also passes through the city; it is part of the world cultural heritage. Changzhou port on the Yangtze River is a top-class national open port. Changzhou airport serves more than 20 domestic airlines.
Changzhou is a key manufacturing base with high industrial potential. It is considered one of the birthplaces of China's national industry, the city of the Foundation of the "Model of economic development". In 2018, Changzhou ranked the sixth in the innovation development index in the urban cluster of the Yangtze River.
Changzhou industry is represented by various branches: intelligent industry, information technology, new materials, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, renewable energy, automotive, agricultural and engineering technology. There are more than 4200 large industrial enterprises.
There are also a large number of industrial parks and institutions for international scientific and technical cooperation, including the Chinese-Russian Science and Technology Industrial Park. An important fact is that among the enterprises of Changzhou is the plant of Stavropol company "Monocrystal PV".
Changzhou ranked second in Jiangsu by the level of agriculture development, and the level of modernization of agriculture is in third place. It grows high-quality rice, flowers and seedlings, special water products, small-leaf tea and fruit, cattle and poultry.
In order to promote economic and social progress, much attention is paid to enhancing the intellectual capacity of enterprises and training workers.
Changzhou has a comprehensive system of higher and vocational education. The research center "Changzhou Scientific and Educational Town" cooperates with the leading universities of China and foreign countries. Providing the opportunity to carry out research and experimental activities, vocational training, development of innovative projects in the field of industry, it has a great impact on the country. Changzhou College, a training base for senior technical staff, is known as one of the best vocational education complexes in the country. To ensure the high quality of secondary compulsory education in recent years, the city has completed the construction of 20 new schools. International educational exchanges among students and teachers are actively implemented. Partnerships have been established between 150 schools of Changzhou and cities of foreign countries. Much attention is paid to the development of the tourism industry. Changzhou has a rich cultural and historical heritage, which has more than 3200 years. Every year the city is visited by about 60 million tourists. Very popular is agricultural tourism.

Most famous attractions:
The ruins of Yancheng – the best preserved and the most ancient city ruins in China (770-476 BC), known as the "Eastern Antlantida".
- Tang Tang Dynasty Tianning Temple, one of the major Buddhist temples of China, the venue of the main religious events. The pagoda of this temple is the highest in China (153.79 m)
- Tianmu Lake Ecological resort, where there are 600 hectares of bamboo forests and tea plantations.
- Dinosaurs Town is a modern complex with a theme park, a resort with hot springs, recreational enterprises, thematic performances and creative programs using modern digital multimedia technologies.
- Tourist resort –"Wujing Taihu", a national base for dragon boating, which has successfully held a large number of international and national competitions.
- Joyland is dedicated to animation and digital entertainment.

The symbol of Changzhou is a large-flowered Magnolia and Chinese rose. Among the cultural crafts of Changzhou the best known are four: the Royal combs, random embroidery, green-retaining bamboo carving and Jintan paper cutting, which was included in the List of intangible cultural heritage of humanity, compiled by UNESCO.
Changzhou actively cooperates with the municipalities of other cities and has 28 sister cities.

Additional information about Changzhou you can find on the website: http://www.changzhou.gov.cn/ns_class/english

As part of Russian-Chinese cooperation development international inter-municipal interaction between Changzhou and Stavropol is actively carrying out.
The first contacts were established in 2012. During a visit to Changzhou city, Stavropol delegation presented the social and economic development of Stavropol, got acquainted with the work of large enterprises and institutions of the social sphere. During the return visits of Changzhou official delegations to Stavropol in 2012-2013 the issues of establishment the cooperation between Stavropol and Changzhou in various areas of urban development were discussed.
As a result the Agreement on economic, humanitarian and cultural cooperation between the city of Stavropol (Stavropol Territory, the Russian Federation) and the Government of Changzhou (the People's Republic of China) was signed. In 2014 the Agreement on establishing friendly sister city relations between the municipal unit Stavropol City (Stavropol Territory, the Russian Federation) and Changzhou (Jiangsu Province, the People's Republic of China) was signed during a visit of the official delegation of Changzhou. The members of Chinese delegation got acquainted with social and economic situation in Stavropol, visited large enterprises of the city. The delegation met with the Rector of North-Caucasus Federal University and the heads of its structural units. The prospects of cooperation with Changzhou higher education institutions were discussed. The University invited a group of Changzhou students and teachers to participate in the Chinese-Russian Youth Forum.

During the further mutual visits the exchange of experience of local government bodies was carried out. Stavropol delegation took part in Changzhou Forum of science&technology and economy&trade, got acquainted with technological innovation projects, visited industrial enterprises, educational institutions of the sister city. Stavropol delegation took part in the opening ceremony of the memorial stone, symbolizing the friendly sister city relationship between Stavropol and Changzhou.
2018-2019 are characterized by more dynamic intermunicipal cooperation. Reception of Changzhou official delegations were organized in Stavropol. The dynamic intermunicipal interaction, successful cooperation in the framework of the joint implementation of international programs and projects were noted during the stay. The members of Chinese delegations actively participated in the citywide events devoted to Stavropol city and Stavropol Territory Day.
IIn accordance with the invitation of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province, Stavropol official delegation visited Chinese sister cities. The main aim of the visit is participation in the celebrations of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of sister cities relations of Jiangsu province. In commemoration of the dynamic development of twinning ties with the cities of the People's Republic of China Stavropol delegation was awarded a commemorative medal and "Stavropol" tree was planted in the "Friendship Garden" of Nanjing. During the meetings with the Vice-governor of Jiangsu province, the Mayor of Changzhou and the Vice-mayor of Zhenjiang, the issues of mutually beneficial international inter-municipal cooperation, further development of friendly relations of sister cities were discussed.
Members of the delegation got acquainted with its economic and industrial potential of Changzhou, main educational institutions. The delegation of Stavropol visited an exhibition of children's drawing, which united the creative works of students of Stavropol, organized in the framework of the Days of culture and art of Russia in Changzhou. The prospects of youth diplomacy were discussed.
In October 2019 a mission of Stavropol business community was organized in Chinese sister cities. According to the program the official receptions of the members of Stavropol delegation by the leadership of Changzhou municipal people's governments were held. The issues of mutually beneficial international inter-municipal cooperation, further development of friendly sister-city relations were discussed.
Within the business program Stavropol representatives got acquainted with the economic and industrial potential of the sister city. The presentation of the activities of Changzhou factory «Monocrystal PV» was held. Stavropol delegation got acquainted with the experience of trading enterprises, visited the milk and grain processing companies as well as the largest factories on agricultural machinery production. The prospects of cooperation, the possibility of exporting Stavropol products were discussed during the meetings with the leadership of leading companies in the processing industry. The preliminary agreement on establishing business contacts with Changzhou pharmaceutical company was reached.
Particular attention was paid to the latest developments in the construction industry, "green construction" technology of residential complexes and the arrangement of courtyards. The members of Stavropol delegation visited the buildings under construction in the city of Changzhou, got acquainted with innovative methods of flat building construction.
The stay of Stavropol delegation was covered by China sister-cities mass media

The cooperation between sister cities in the field of education was especially dynamic. In 2016, a Cooperation agreement between the education committee of Stavropol city administration and the education bureau of Changzhou municipal government was signed, involving the development and strengthening of partnerships, the exchange of groups of schoolchildren and teachers, advanced experience

, teaching methods of teaching subjects using Internet technologies.
Seven pairs of partner schools of Stavropol and Changzhou constantly interact in the city nowadays. The exchange of experience of methodical work is carried out; joint projects in the field of culture and education are implemented. The organization of mutual educational visits of groups of students and teachers was a significant achievement.
During mutual visits groups teachers and students got acquainted with methods of study, visited integrated lessons, master classes in applied art. Teachers study new teaching techniques, features of educational process in the partner-schools. During visits a special attention is paid to the development of cross-cultural dialogue and direct contacts among youth. Joint press conferences for mass media are held visited. Participation in sports and entertainment events, friendship concerts, costumed photo sessions, and sightseeing tours to get acquainted with the historical and cultural attractions of the sister cities is organized.

As part of further development of humanitarian and cultural ties groups of students and teachers from Stavropol twice took part in the Shanghai International Youth Friendship Camps. The main goal of the forum is to unite representatives of youth from different countries of the world, to promote the integration of students in modern multicultural space. As part of schedule Stavropol students and teachers took part in educational programs and get-acquainted events. Joint practical classes and workshops in calligraphy, folk art, playing the national instruments, tea ceremony were organized for the participants of the camp. Stavropol students demonstrated presentation materials and video about Russia and the city of Stavropol, about interesting cultural traditions. Staying of students in the families of Chinese peers and informative excursion programs were organized in order to get acquainted with modern life in China, characteristic of national life. Multi-ethnic environment contributed to the further development of intercultural dialogue among young people.

The Stavropol city administration attaches special importance to the public diplomacy among the youth of the sister cities of Stavropol and Changzhou. As part of the announced international humanitarian actions, a Russian-Chinese youth forum was organized at the North Caucasus Federal University. Various lectures and master classes were held during the forum. A meeting of members of the delegation of the sister city of Changzhou with the youth activists of Stavropol took place. Issues related to the development of cooperation in the field of youth policy were discussed, and the experience of youth associations was exchanged.
A delegation of the Committee of the Communist youth Union of China and entrepreneurs of the sister city of Changzhou visited Stavropol. Meetings with the city's leadership and youth activists were organized for the members of the sister city delegation. There was an exchange of experience in developing and involving students in the volunteer movement. Participants of the meeting noted the common interests of students from Stavropol and Changzhou and expressed a unanimous desire to further develop intercultural dialogue among the youth of the sister cities.
As part of the International humanitarian action of Cross-years of exchanges between Chinese and Russian media, as well as preparation for the celebration of the 240th anniversary of the city of Stavropol, a number of creative contests were organized with the participation of schoolchildren and students of the sister cities.
The International creative video contest “My Motherland” was organized among students of higher educational institutions of Stavropol and the sister cities of the People’s Republic of China. The presented creative works allowed to get acquainted with the history, cultural traditions, sights, as well as the modern life of the youth of the sister cities.
The International creative photo contest "My city" was held among students of Stavropol and the sister cities of the People's Republic of China. According to the results of the contest, the winners were awarded diplomas of I, II, III degrees, all participants were awarded international certificates.
It is a tradition to hold international exhibitions of children's drawings in the city of Stavropol, dedicated to friendship and development of twinning relations.
The cooperation of the sister cities in the sphere of culture and creative exchanges is developing dynamically. The children's dance ensemble «Raduga» of Stavropol municipal choreographic school performed in the city of Changzhou. A joint concert of the ensemble and art schools students of the sister city was organized. Friendly contacts between representatives of the youth were established during the stay of the ensemble «Raduga» in Changzhou, they familiarized with the traditions and unique features of folk art, which contributed to strengthening inter-ethnic friendship.
A delegation of Changzhou culture representatives visited Stavropol. During the visit of the delegation, there was a meeting with the city creative community representatives. The event was attended by Minister of Culture of Stavropol Territory, leaders of Stavropol city administration, as well as representatives of cultural institutions and the North Caucasus Federal University. There were presentations of Stavropol and Changzhou. The issues of educational institutions cooperation in the field of culture, exchanges of creative groups were discussed. A solemn ceremony of signing the Letter of Intent of cooperation between Changzhou Art Vocational College and Stavropol Regional College of Arts, as well as the Letter of Intent of cooperation between Changzhou Art Vocational College and Stavropol Regional Art School. Changzhou culture representatives took part in the city-wide events dedicated to the celebration of the Day of Stavropol Territory and the Day of Stavropol. Members of the sister city delegation presented a creative program in the park of culture and recreation "Victory". Musical performance, combining traditional Chinese art and Russian folklore, was warmly accepted by the audience.

In the framework of the further development of intercultural dialogue among young people, the group of students and teachers of the city of Stavropol visited cities of Nanjing, Changzhou and Zhenjiang. The main purpose of the visit was to participate in the awarding ceremony of the International youth drawing contest of Jiangsu province, which was organized within the framework of the international humanitarian action "Years of interregional cooperation between Russia and China". More than 100 thousand creative works of students of Jiangsu province and cities of seventeen countries were presented at the competition. Stavropol schoolchildren took fifteen prizes. As part of the program for the group of students and teachers of Stavropol a visit to the educational institutions of Changzhou was organized, during which they got acquainted with the system of general and additional education of children. The prospects of further development of cultural and educational exchanges were discussed. The stay of the group of students and teachers of Stavropol was widely covered by the local media.

In connection with the opening of a new municipal high-tech library in the city of Changzhou, scientific and educational literature as well as works of local authors were sent to the sister city for presentation in the library section, dedicated to the sister cities. Information materials on the new library, submitted by the Foreign Affairs Office of Changzhou Municipal People’s Government were translated into Russian. On the occasion of the new library opening a video greeting from the staff of Stavropol centralized library system in cooperation with Stavropol city administration was prepared and sent to the sister city. In the future, it is planned to organize interlibrary online exchanges.
The cooperation between sister cities continues to develop rapidly, the variety of joint projects and the scale of implemented initiatives are increasing